Human Subject Research Ethics Training

KEP LPEM FEB UI requires all members of the research team to provide credential proof in terms of research ethics involving human subjects before submitting an application. One way to fulfill this credential is to take a course about research ethics training involving human subjects. For the University of Indonesia academic community, you can access online training through the CITI (The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) Program as a condition for submitting an application for the KEP ethical review. This online training is free for the University of Indonesia academic community.

The CITI Program is a program that provides online training on research ethics, regulations governing research, and other research-related topics. Relevant courses within CITI include the IRB/KEP review process, privacy and confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and responsible research conduct.

Further information regarding the CITI Program registration and training guide can be accessed here:

If you are not part of the University of Indonesia, then you can apply independently (using personal expense) or you are also allowed to provide a certificate or proof of credential research ethics involving human subjects from options outside the CITI Program.